Cross Domain Error in Dynamic GP 2013 Web Client
The cross domain error would be occurred on Silverlight. Because distinct URL has been configured on session central service, session service and run time service. Severity: Critical Summary: An error occurred while initializing communication with the server. Details: [CrossDomainError] Arguments: https://marinerydynamics.cloudapp.net:48652/RuntimeService/3468 Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to…
Verifying SMTP SharePoint Outbound mail settings
Once we configured the SharePoint outbound mail server then our responsible to test the setup. Here the small powershell snippet will do! ### The script will return True or False $toemail = “sathiya@sathiya.io” $subject = “Test – SharePoint Outbound mail” $body = “This mail for testing purpose…! Please ignore your action!” $site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite…
Analyse MS-SQL Database Memory Utilization
In most of the development environment or staging server will not be monitored by daily. So the database auto growth can occupy countlessly. Here, we can analyze the memory utilization about the table and we can remove if the database has cache, temp or logs table. declare @t table ( name nvarchar(100), [rows] int, [reserved]…
Create claims-based web application from SharePoint PowerShell
Creating claims-based web application is more flexible with SharePoint PowerShell script than CA. Here, the snippet for http and ssl site. Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell $ap = New-SPAuthenticationProvider New-SPWebApplication -Name <Name> -ApplicationPool <ApplicationPool> -ApplicationPoolAccount <ApplicationPoolAccount> -URL <URL> -Port <Port> -AuthenticationProvider $ap # <Name> is the name of the new web application that uses claims-based authentication. # <ApplicationPool>…
Export Windows Service to Excel with Filter
Another sample Powershell script to exporting “Running” and “Stopped” windows service to excel by using Powershell Array. $location = “C:\sathiya.io”; $service = @(“Running”, “Stopped”); for ($i=0;$i -ne 2;$i++) { $text = $service[$i]; #Exporting the result to the text file # Append – This keyword is to update the file in the loop # Select -…
Creating Managed Metadata Service Application by Powershell Script
As we are all knows, the SharePoint Powershell can be fast and simple. Here the sample script for creating Managed Metadata Service Application; New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name “Managed Metadata Service App Pool” -Account sathiya\SPAppPool New-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Name “Managed Metadata Service Application” -ApplicationPool “Managed Metadata Service App Pool” -DatabaseName “MMD” New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy -Name “Managed Metadata Service App Pool” -ServiceApplication “Managed…
SharePoint continuous user login prompting with custom host header site
SharePoint site with custom host header will prompting the user login screen on local machine but either you can login or view the site from your local network machines. Because the loop back is enabled by default on each and every machine. To resolve the issue you have to disable it. Open PowerShell as administrator…
Import Users in Active Directory Using PowerShell
Today, we are going to discuss about importing bulk users in Active Directory using PowerShell. We are all knows that we can do anything in PowerShell. You can check the required parameter for adding AD user. But I’m going to import the below sample fields. Basic Comment New-ADUser -Name “Disply Name” -GivenName “First Name” -Surname…
Application error when access “/_layouts/15/workflow.aspx”
After, I installed and configured the workflow for SharePoint 2013 and register to the web application, it was getting an error while starting the workflow as; Error: Message: Application error when access /_layouts/15/workflow.aspx, Error=The pipe endpoint ‘net.pipe://localhost/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/appsts.svc’ could not be found on your local machine. EventID: 8nca Solution: Make sure the Net.Pipe Listener Adapter windows…