Category: Powershell

  • Validate Active Directory (AD) Credentials

    To configuring service account for the application after creating generated password causing issue many times, needs to validate active directory (AD) credentials before configuring it. Because enterprise level policy would disable service account with bad password attempts. The PowerShell script helps to validate efficiently.

    Scripts makes perfect, Cheers!

  • Export Windows Service to Excel with Filter

    Another sample Powershell script to exporting “Running” and “Stopped” windows service to excel by using Powershell Array.


  • Import Users in Active Directory Using PowerShell

    Today, we are going to discuss about importing bulk users in Active Directory using PowerShell. We are all knows that we can do anything in PowerShell.
    You can check the required parameter for adding AD user. But I’m going to import the below sample fields.

    Basic Comment
    -Name “Disply Name”
    -GivenName “First Name”
    -Surname “Last Name”
    -SamAccountName “UserName”
    -UserPrincipalName “”
    -Path “OU=OrganizationUnit,DC=sathiya,DC=io”
    -Enabled $true
    -PasswordNeverExpires $true
    -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString “password” -AsPlainText -force)

    The above script is for adding single user.


    Sample CSV file ImportUser.csv

    I hope the things are going good :)Cheers!