Tag: sharepoint

  • SharePoint Server 2019 Public Preview

    As expected Microsoft introduced SharePoint server 2019 product in May 2018 SharePoint SharePoint Server 2013conference. The product has more refined feature in terms of user experience, development stuff, security concerns and scalable with Hybrid collaboration environments

    Now, public preview available to experience the complete features of next milestone.

    SharePoint Server 2019 Public Preview
    Product Build Number Package Name Download/Release CU Release Date
    SharePiont 2019 16.0.10711.37301 Public preview Download 2018 July 24

    Find the major noticeable features;

    1. Modern user experience based on online product
    2. Content across browser and devices
    3. Robust scalability, security and compliance capabilities

    Previous production has a limitation in larger file, character restrictions, files/folder names those are improved in 2019

    • File can be upload upto 15GB
    • URL length has been Increases from 260 Unicode code units to 400.

    Tip: SharePoint 2019 complete features, checkout white paper.



  • Clear SharePoint 2013 Config Cache

    SharePoint 2013 Config Cache fix mostly unstable service or applications, try with cache clear script as troubleshoot them in farm level.  Here the scripts makes perfect with dynamic values of GUI ID and other parameters.

    Standalone farm clean can be done manually but if its multi-tier farm would time conservation so better do with powerful tool. Tweak with below dynamic script that not require any additional changes.


  • SharePoint crawling not working with non-default zone (public facing site)

    Its been very long time to back in here to share the work around fixes.  I have been configured public facing branding site in SharePoint 2013 multi tier environment.

    Servers in the farm

    SPSQL-AG (Availability group listener)

    Web application has been extended to Internet zone, which is exposed in public via F5, SSL configured on IIS.

    AAM looks like

    http://SPAPP-V01:8080       Default      http://SPAPP-V01:8080
    https://www.sathiya.io            Internet    https://www.sathiya.io
    http://www.sathiya.io              Internet    https://www.sathiya.io
    http://sathiya.io                          Internet    https://www.sathiya.io
    https://sathiya.io                       Internet     https://www.sathiya.io

    SharePoint search was configured with below topology;
    SPAPP-V01 : Admin, Crawler, Content Processing, Analytics Processing & Index Partition
    SPAPP-V02 : Admin, Crawler, Content Processing, Analytics Processing & Index Partition
    SPWFE-V01 : Query Processing
    SPWFE-V02 : Query Processing (more…)

  • Download Installed SharePoint Solutions

    Tweaks of SharePoint PowerShell script to download installed SharePoint solutions from the farm.  All solution has deployed on server hives folder and the database but there is not option to download them.  Try with below script to attain it.



  • Verifying SMTP SharePoint Outbound mail settings

    Once we configured the SharePoint outbound mail server then our responsible to test the setup. Here the small powershell snippet will do!

    If you get “True” the configuration perfectly alright, else you have to check the ULS log to find an issue. Suppose if you are not getting a mail you have to check smtp log or address to exchange/wintel team.

  • Delete SharePoint list items from PowerShell

    Here the quick solution to clean up/delete SharePoint list items that save a days lot if cleanup required. Manual efforts would take a lot so prefer to go with scripts;
